............................ASSALAMU ALAIKUM

A Collection of Islamic Jokes
Friday, May 15, 2009
Before you read these jokes, you might want to read a little bit about the conditions of joking in islam.
Rules of Joking in Islam
Some people joke too much and it becomes a habit for them. This is the opposite of the serious nature which is the characteristic of the believers. Joking is a break, a rest from ongoing seriousness and striving; it is a little relaxation for the soul. ‘Umar ibn ‘Abd al-‘Azeez (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: “Fear joking, for it is folly and generates grudges.”
Imaam al-Nawawi (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: “The kind of joking which is forbidden is that which is excessive and persistent, for it leads to too much laughter and hardening of the heart, it distracts from remembrance of Allaah, and it often leads to hurt feelings, generates hatred and causes people to lose respect and dignity. But whoever is safe from such dangers, then that which the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to do is permissible for him.”
Sa’d ibn Abi Waqqaas said: “Set a limit to your jokes, for going to extremes makes you lose respect and incites the foolish against you.”
The amount of joking should be like the amount of salt in one’s food.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Do not laugh too much, for laughing too much deadens the heart.” (Saheeh al-Jaami’, 7312)
‘Umar ibn al-Khattaab (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: “Whoever laughs too much or jokes too much loses respect, and whoever persists in doing something will be known for it.”
So beware of joking, for it “causes a person to lose face after he was thought of as respectable, and it brings him humiliation after esteem.”
A man said to Sufyaan ibn ‘Uyaynah (may Allaah be pleased with him), “Joking is not right, it is to be denounced.” He replied, “Rather it is Sunnah, but only for those who know how to do it and do it at the appropriate time.”
Nowadays, although the ummah needs to increase the love between its individual members and to relieve itself of boredom, it has gone too far with regard to relaxation, laughter and jokes. This has become a habit which fills their gatherings and wastes their time, so their lives are wasted and their newspapers are filled with jokes and trivia.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “If you knew what I know, you would laugh little and weep much.” In Fath al-Baari it says: “What is meant by knowledge here has to do with the might of Allaah and His vengeance upon those who disobey Him, and the terrors that occur at death, in the grave and on the Day of Resurrection).
Muslim men and women have to be inclined to choose righteous and serious friends in their lives, who will help them to make good use of their time and strive for the sake of Allaah with seriousness and steadfastness, good and righteous people whose example they can follow. Bilaal ibn Sa’d said: “I saw them [the Sahaabah] jokingly pretending to fight over some goods, and laughing with one another, but when night came they were like monks.”
Ibn ‘Umar (may Allaah be pleased with him) was asked, “Did the Companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) laugh?” He said, “Yes, and the faith in their hearts was like mountains.”
So you have to follow the example of such people, who were knights by day and monks (i.e., devoted worshippers) by night.
May Allaah keep us, you and our parents safe on the Day of the Greatest Terror, those to whom the call will go out on that great Day:
“Enter Paradise, no fear shall be on you, nor shall you grieve”
[al-A’raaf 7:49 – interpretation of the meaning]
A man is taking a walk in Central park in New York. Suddenly he sees a little girl being attacked by a pit bull dog . He runs over and starts fighting with the dog. He succeeds in killing the dog and saving the girl's life. A policeman who was watching the scene walks over and says: "You are a hero, tomorrow you can read it in all the newspapers: "Brave New Yorker saves the life of little girl" The man says: - "But I am not a New Yorker!" "Oh ,then it will say in newspapers in the morning: 'Brave American saves life of little girl'" – the policeman answers. "But I am not an American!" – says the man. "Oh, what are you then? " The man says: - "I am a Saudi !" The next day the newspapers says: "Islamic extremist kills innocent American dog.
Here is the story of an Imam who got up after Friday prayers and announced to the people:"I have good news and bad news. The good news is, we have enough money to pay for our new building program. The bad news is, it's still out there in your pockets."
An Imam shocked his community when he announced that he was resigning from that particular Masjid and moving to a drier climate. After the session, a very distraught lady came to the Imam with tears in her eyes, "Oh, Imam, we are going to miss you so much. We don't want you to leave!" The kind hearted Imam said "Now, now, sister, don't carry on. The Imam who takes my place might be even better than me".
"Yeah", she said, with a tone of disappointment in her voice, "That's what they said the last time too . . . "
True Incident: During a Jumah Khutbah in a small town, an Imam talked about the significance of saying "Insha Allah" (which means if Allah wills) when planning to do something in the future. After a few days, a man who had also attended the Khutbah was going to buy a cow from the market. On the way, he met a friend who asked him where he was going. He told him about buying the cow but did not say Insha Allah in the end. His friend reminded him about the Khutbah and told him to say Insha Allah. However, this individual said that he had the money he needs and the energy to go to the market, thus, there is no point of saying Insha Allah as he will certainly buy the cow. He thought that saying Insha Allah will not make any difference.
When he reached the market, he found a cow that met his expectations. He bargained with the seller and came to a reasonable price. Finally, he decided to pay for the cow but was dumbfounded when he discovered that his money was missing. A thief had stolen the money while he was walking through the busy market. The cow seller asked him whether he was going to buy the cow or not. "Insha Allah, I will buy it next week," he said. When he reached home, his wife inquired about the cow. He told her about how he forgot to say Insha Allah, and also added, "Insha Allah, I wanted to buy the cow. But Insha Allah, my money was stolen. Insha Allah, I will buy it next week." His wife clarified to him that we should say Insha Allah for things that are yet to happen, not for those things that had already happened. He never forgot his "Insha Allah" again.
Once, the people of the city invited Mulla Nasruddin to deliver a speech. When he got on the minbar (pulpit), he found the audience was not very enthusiastic, so he asked "Do you know what I am going to say?" The audience replied "NO", so he announced "I have no desire to speak to people who don't even know what I will be talking about" and he left. The people felt embarrassed and called him back again the next day. This time when he asked the same question, the people replied "YES" So Mullah Nasruddin said, "Well, since you already know what I am going to say, I won't waste any more of your time" and he left. Now the people were really perplexed. They decided to try one more time and once again invited the Mullah to speak the following week. Once again he asked the same question - "Do you know what I am going to say?" Now the people were prepared and so half of them answered "YES" while the other half replied "NO". So Mullah Nasruddin said "The half who know what I am going to say, tell it to the other half" and he left!
True Incident: A young man in a village refused to believe that Allah has total control of everything. He claimed that Allah cannot make him eat food if he didn't want to eat. To prove his point, he decided to stay hungry for a day and see if Allah can make him eat. His mother tried her best to stop this foolishness but he paid no attention. Annoyed of his mother in the evening, he decided to climb a tree and isolate himself there. Being compassionate, his mother decided to leave the food under the tree incase her son finally gives up and wants to eat. When the night fell, a group of robbers were passing by that tree. They noticed a plate of delicious food placed under the tree. They looked at each other in amazement and thought that someone must be playing a trick on them. May be someone is trying to poison them with good food. They looked around to see if there was anyone nearby and noticed the young man on top of the tree. The robbers got him down and told him to eat the food to see if it is poisoned. But the young man refused to eat as he is still carrying on his challenge against Allah. The robbers became suspicious and started beating the young man to eat. He gave up and started eating. Seeing that the food was not poisoned, the robbers left him and went away. Finally, the young man admitted that yes, Allah has total control of everything!
An old woman came to the Prophet (sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam) and said: "O Messenger of Allah, pray to Allah (subhanahu wa ta`ala) that I will enter Paradise." He said jokingly, "O Mother of So-and-so, no old women will enter Paradise." The old woman went away crying, so the Prophet (sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam) said, "Tell her that she will not enter Paradise as an old woman, for Allah (subhanahu wa ta`ala) says: (We have created [their Companions] of special creation, and made them virgin-pure [and undefiled]) (Qur'an 56:35-36)." Reported by al-Tirmidhi, it is hasan because of the existence of corroborating reports.
An elderly lady was well-known for her Iman and for her confidence in talking about it. She would stand in front of her house and say Alhamdulilah "Allah be praised" to all those who passed by. Next door to her lived an atheist who would get so angry at her proclamations he would shout, "There ain't no Lord!!" Hard times came upon the elderly lady, and she prayed for Allah to send her some assistance. She would pray out loud in her night prayer" Oh Allah! I need food!! I am having a hard time, please Lord, PLEASE LORD, SEND ME SOME GROCERIES!!" The atheist happened to hear her as she was praying, and decided to play a prank on her. The next morning the lady went out on her porch and noted a large bag of groceries and shouted, "Alhamdulilah, Allah be praised!." The neighbor jumped from behind a bush and said, "Aha! I told you there was no Lord. I bought those groceries, God didn't." The lady started jumping up and down and clapping her hands and said, "ALHAMDULILAH WA SHUKRILLAH”. He not only sent me groceries, but he made the devil pay for them!"
"When I was in the desert," said Nasruddin one day, "I caused an entire tribe of horrible and bloodthirsty bedouins to run."
"However did you do it?" asked a person.
"Easy. I just ran, and they ran after me."
An Imam was selling his horse in the market. An interested buyer came to him and requested if he could get a test drive. The Imam told the man that this horse is unique. In order to make it walk, you have to say Subhanallah. To make it run, you have to say Alhamdulillah and to make it stop, you have to say Allahu Akbar. The man sat on the horse and said Subhanallah. The horse started to walk. Then he said Alhamdulillah and it started to run. He kept saying Alhamdulillah and the horse started running faster and faster. All of a sudden the man noticed that the horse is running towards the edge of the hill that he was riding on. Being overly fearful, he forgot how to stop the horse. He kept saying all these words out of confusion. When the horse was just near the edge, he remembered Allahu Akbar and said it out loud. The horse stopped just one step away from the edge. The man took a deep breath, looked up towards the sky and said Alhamdulillah!
True Incident: The incident took place in South Asia. A man was offering salah in his house. He was praying as fast as he could as many of us do. All of a sudden, he heard the door behind him open. Since, someone entered the room, he started making his ruku and sujud longer. Upon completion of the salah, he looked back to see who it was. To his amazement, it was a dog!
Two men were on a plane on a business trip when a Muslim couple boarded the plane and were seated right in front of them. The two men, eager to have some fun, started talking loudly. "My boss is sending me to Saudi Arabia", the one said, "But I don't want to go...too many Muslims there!" The Muslim couple noticeably heard and grew uncomfortable. The other guy laughed, "Oh, yeah, my boss wanted to send me to Pakistan but I refused...WAY too many Muslims!" Smiling, the first man said, "One time I was in Iran but I HATED the fact that there were so many Muslims!" The couple fidgeted. The other guy responded, "Oh, yeah...you can't go ANYWHERE to get away from them...the last time I was in FRANCE I ran into a bunch of them too!" The first guy was laughing hysterically as he added, "That is why you'll never see me in Indonesia...WAY too many Muslims!" At this, the Muslim man turned around and responded politely, "Why don't you go to Hell?", he asked, "I hear there's not very many Muslims THERE!"
source: www.islamcan.com
Miracle Pictures
Most Popular Miracle Pictures:
- Allah's Name Clearly Visible Over Africa
- A tree in the posture of Islamic prayer
- Allah's name appears on the Oceans
- Ice forms the Name of Allah on a Mountain
- Amazing Marks on Your Hands
- Allah's Name Written by the Clouds
- The Sacred Masjids of Islam Shining Like Stars
- Allah's Name Appears on Clouds in Indonesia
- A Plant Fashions itself to Display the Name of Allah
Here is the complete list of pictures, newest pictures are on top of the list:
Allah's name formed by beautiful clouds on Perth, Australia
Allah's name visible on yahoo map north of Madinah
Clouds form the name of Allah in Kashmir
Vines form the name of Allah on a Acacia Tree
Allah's name appears on a horse in India
Allah's name found on the Moon
Allah's name formed by a tree in England
Allah's Name Appears on an Aglaonema Plant
Allah's Name Appears on Clouds in Lembu's Mountain Langkawi, Indonesia
Allah's Name Appears on a Lule Flower
A Rock in Sajdah Position
Allah's Name Appears on an Oscar Fish
Allah's Name Formed by a Tree
Indonesian Mosques Stand through Earthquake and Tsunami
Allah's Name Appears Beautifully on a Quartz Rock
A Genus Aloe Plant forms the Name of Allah
Allah's name appears as a birthmark on a lamb born in Palestine
Allah's name appears on the Oceans picture from Apollo 11 Shuttle
Amazing Marks on Your Hands
The Sacred Masjids of Islam Shining Like Stars
Aurora in Alaska forms the Beautiful Name of Allah
Allah's Name Found on Whistler Mountains in British Columbia, Canada
Allah's Name Clearly Visible Over Africa
Ice forms the Name of Allah on a Mountain
A Plant Fashions itself to Display the Name of Allah
Allah's Name Appears on a Piece of Meat with newspaper article
Masjid Unaffected by Earthquake in Turkey
A tree in the posture of Islamic prayer
Allah's name appears in a Tomato
Toman fish testifies to the truth includes newspaper article
Allah's name appears in a water melon
Allah's Name Appears on an Aubergine with newspaper article
Allah's Name Written by the Bees
Allah's name appears on a bean
Allah's name appears in an ear of a baby
Miracle in your own Hands
Allah's Name Written by the Clouds
source : www.islamcan.com
Big Bang
Monday, May 11, 2009
Islam tells us Allah is both The Creator & The Evolver , of all that exits. We know Allah did not evolve us from monkeys, and we know all things are from Allah. Please share this information with those who deny the existence of God. They need it.
There is a popular theory referred to as the 'Big Bang' theory. It tries to explain the existence of the universe in an evolutionary manner having an initial beginning with an immense explosion of some gases or solid mass. Some say there first was a void or a 'nothingness', or perhaps, some gases which exploded then from this everything in the universe simply began to evolve to the stage that we see now. There has never really been any solid evidence for this idea of 'something out of nothing' concept. Nor for that matter , the evolutionary theory itself.
We would like to explore the idea of creation from a purely logical standpoint using simple
terminology without religious hype, emotional pre-convictions or superstitions.
What if someone called a 'scientist' tells you his 'theory' of how cars are made is like this:
A salvage yard on the south side of town blows up and all the metal pieces fly into the air and fall back down in one place forming a brand new Chevrolet Caprice automobile.. with no left over parts.. and the motor is running..
Or what if his theory for how a chair is made is:
An explosion occurs in a forest and the trees go flying into the air and then suddenly they combine with some flying cloth to make a beautiful chair ... and then it lands in a furniture showroom
complete with matching table and lamp...
He further explains that:
An earthquake in California's 'Silicon Valley' causes the computer chips and circuit boards and other various parts to fall out of their boxes and off of their shelves and just come in place together as
they are rolling around on the floor and form the most advanced technical computers existing on the earth?...
Or what of his 'Medicine Theory'? He now claims that:
A gas leak in a pharmacy warehouse causes a terrific explosion. All the different chemicals and
substances just smash into each other in exactly the correct amounts to produce a miracle drug which cures everything form cancer to heart and liver disease, old age and warts?...
Wait... there's more to this one:
It is all in one formula, packaged in the bottles with labels and ready to sell with no mess left on the floor?...Now after all this exploding and excitement this 'scientist' tells you of a great place to relax and have something to eat. It is his favorite place and he calls it: "Burger Blast"! He says:
You just go in and sit down and suddenly a 'blast' from the kitchen occurs and immediately a burger lands right in front of you with all the trimmings.. just the way you like it complete with fries, a drink and even your favorite dessert?...
No one works at "Burger Blast", it just runs itself, automatically cleaning itself and as you leave it scans your billfold for a valid credit card and charges your bank account for what you have eaten?...
Now the question is: "Are you really going to accept any of this as 'fact'?"
Of course not!
We wouldn't believe a new car is made from flying junk; chairs don't fall down from exploding
trees; earthquakes do not produce computers and blasting burgers don't rain down on us from
Question: So how come we don't challenge a theory of something coming from nothing and then colliding in the cosmos to make the universe? Is it because of its tremendous magnitude that we have so little comprehension about it, that we are willing to accept any theory from a few telescope
'peeping Toms' to tell us that it came from 'nothingness'? Or just some gases colliding and then...
'Poof'!? Instant Universe? How?
www.ShareIslam.com Written By: Sheikh Yusuf Estes
Boycott of Israeli and US companies gaining momentum
The Muslim News
By Shatha Khalil and Abdul Adil
Issue 158
28 June 2002
Throughout the world campaigns calling for the boycott of Israeli goods are gaining momentum. The boycott is growing in the Muslim world where not only Israeli goods, companies who support Israel are targeted, but US giants like Starbucks and Pepsi have also been affected. Israeli academics and artists are also being boycotted in the Western world
The campaign to boycott Israeli goods is “perceived to be a way to hit back at ‘the Zionist state’ and those governments perceived to be its main backers” explains Africa Analysis (May 3).
In Lebanon, the religious leader Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Fadlallah issued a fatwa on this subject: “All American and Israeli goods and products should be boycotted in a way that undermines American and Israeli interests so as to act as deterrence to their war against Muslims and Islam that is being waged under the pretence of fighting terrorism. This boycott should become an overwhelming trend that makes these two states feel that their economies are in a real and actual danger.” Shaykh Yusuf al-Qardawi has also issued a fatwa calling for the boycotting of Israeli and American products and companies.
The Egyptian Agricultural Professions’ Trade Union (EGTU) has also backed the campaign. It is boycotting all Israeli agricultural co-operation, production and fertilisers and aims to take disciplinary action against anyone not enforcing the boycott.
Further to the actions of the EGTU, consumer power in Egypt has forced J Sainsbury to pull out of its Egyptian operations after two years. The Supermarket, which denies any involvement with Israel, is to sell its 100 supermarkets and neighbourhood stores in the greater Cairo area to its minority local partner, subject to regulatory approval.
Many department stores in Britain last year yielded to the pressure of the boycott lobby and temporarily removed goods made by Israel from their shops, however these policies have been short-lived. Selfridges, which had seen weekly pickets held outside its doors, withdrew goods produced in the illegal settlements in the Occupied Territories over the Christmas period; however, they returned them a fortnight later after protests from Jewish customers. The Store later told The Muslim News: “We do not feel we can take sides in this political issue.”
Harrods, the largest department store in London, whose owner is the Egyptian Muhammad Al Fayed, also removed products made in the Occupied Territories; however, they were re-instated a week later. Instead the store has adopted a sticker policy informing people where products are made. “By giving our customers this extra information, we are allowing them to make a more considered purchase based on their own beliefs and philosophy,” justified Peter Willasey, the Communications Head of Harrods, to The Muslim News.
American multi-national companies have been greatly affected by the boycott campaign, many have seen their sales fall by between 20 and 50 percent since the second intifadah, 19 months ago. Many have tried to win back customers by offering to donate 20 percent of their profits to Palestinian orphans, while also advertising in local newspapers and television channels saying the boycott campaign is hurting local workers. Many have simply denied any connection to or funding of Israel or its actions.
“Coca-Cola, which has served the Israeli market for 30 years, refused to abide by the Arab League economic boycott of Israel (which lasted until 1991). For decades, this cost Coca-Cola the opportunity to sell its products in Arab countries,” explained The Southern Shofar, the Jewish newspaper of Alabama. Coca Cola and its Chairman Roberto Goizueta was honoured by the Economic Mission at the Israel Trade Award Dinner.
However, the Company denies any such involvement, a spokesperson told The Muslim News: “The Coca-Cola Company does not support political or religious causes and does not take a stance on issues that do not directly affect the soft drink industry. We cannot and do not take the side of one country over another in any dispute.”
Other multi-national companies have also hit back against allegations of economic support. Marks and Spencer, who supports Israel with $233 million in trade every year (Jerusalem Report, June 5, 2000), and sells $240 million worth of Israeli exports annually, told The Muslim News: “People are free to buy merchandise from anywhere, however the benefit from buying from us is that we clearly label the origin of the product, allowing people to make an informed decision.”
In a book on Marks and Spencer, Lord Marcus Sieff - long time Chairman of Marks and Spencer - wrote that one of the fundamental objectives of Marks and Spencer is to aid the economic development of Israel (Management: The Marks & Spencer Way, Weidenfield & Nicolson, 1990).
In 1998, Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, of Nestlé, received the Jubilee Award by the Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. This is the highest tribute ever awarded by the State of Israel in recognition of those individuals and organizations that, through their investments and trade relationships, have done the most to strengthen the Israeli economy. Nestle has bought a controlling share in the Israeli firm Osem, allowing Nestle to sell its products in Israel, including Nescafe, Perrier, Carnation, Smarties and Kitkat. In a recent report to investors, Osem-Nestle announced a four-monthly profit of £5.1m (Independent, June 14).
Nestlé, which has already been subjected to criticism over its dealings with newborn mothers in the developing world and its promotion of its baby milk products, including Nido, is now the subject of further fury, with regards its trade with Israel. In its defence a spokesperson told The Muslim News: “We invest in Israel as we do in any other country.
Nestlé is a commercial company; we do not make economic decisions based on political grounds. We want to keep up with the global market as do our competitors.”
The US companies which are taking the brunt of the boycott in the Muslim world include Nestle, Coca-Cola, Johnson & Johnson, Burger King, Starbucks shops, Kentucky Fried Chicken. Earlier this month, Proctor and Gamble had decided to close down its factory in Yemen after a media campaign alleging its support for Israel. However, the Company said the closure was due to downturn of the economy.
Goods produced by Israel can be identified by their bar codes, which start with 729, while American goods’ bar codes start with 00 all the way to 09.
Many Palestinian, Muslim and other organizations, including the Scottish TUC, back the campaign.
Additional reporting Sadiqa Abdulla
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Lets we 1.6 Billion Muslims, Boycott American and Israeli products and slap their economy.
Statistics of the Palestinian losses during 29/9/2000 to 31/7/2004 in Israeli attack:
No. of Palestinian children(below 18 years) killed: 643
No. of killed females: 239
Total No. of killed people: 3473
Total No. of wounded Palestinians: 41,424
No. of houses completely demolished: 6,757
No. of houses partially demolished: 59,107
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Hajj and Umrah Tips
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Does ALLAH Exists?
A man went to a Barbershop to have his hair cut and his beard trimmed. As the barber began to work, they began to have a good conversation. They talked about so many things and various subjects when they eventually touched on the subject of Allah .
The Barber said: I don’t believe that Allah Exists.
Why do you say that? Asked the customer.
Well, you just have to go out in the street & realize that Allah doesn’t exist. Tell me if Allah Exists, would there be so many sick people?
Would there be abandoned Children? If Allah existed, there would be neither suffering nor pain. I can’t imagine a loving Allah who would allow all of these things.
The customer thought for a moment, but didn’t respond because he didn’t want to start an argument.
The Barber finished his job and the customer left the shop. Just after he left the barbershop, he saw a man in the street with long, stringy, dirty hair and untrimmed beard, he looked dirty and unkempt.
The customer turned back and entered the barbershop again and said to the barber: You know what? Barbers do not exist.
How can you say that? Asked the surprised Barber. I am here, and I am a Barber, & I just worked on you!
No! The customer exclaimed. “Barbers don’t exist because if they did, there would be no people with dirty long hair and untrimmed beard, like that man outside.
Ah, But Barbers do exist! That’s what happens when people do not come to me.”
Exactly, affirmed the customer. “that’s the Point!
Participate in Quiz
Friday, May 8, 2009
Islamic SMS
The beautiful word is ALLAH,
The beautiful word is ALLAH,
Most beautiful song is AZAN,
Best exercise is NAMAZ,
World perfect book is QURAN,
And You are so lucky if YOU are a MUSALMAN. By UZZAL
Life is Test,Islam is best,
Life is Test,Islam is best, Namaz is must,Aakhrut is for rest,World is only dust, If Quran is in chest,nothing need next, Obey ALLAH first. 1st success wil b next.
Happy Moments - PRAISE ALLAH
Happy Moments - PRAISE ALLAH
Difficult Moments- SEEK ALLAH
Quiet Moments - WORSHIP ALLAH
Painful Moments - TRUST ALLAH
Moment By Moment - THANK ALLAH
The Shortest Distance between a Problem and it's Solution is the Distance between your Knees and the Floor. The one who Kneels to Allah (Ta'ala) can Stand Up to Anything.
And whenever you give your word, say the truth [surah al-An’am; 6:152]
“The most beloved of deeds to Allah is the one that is continuous, even if it is little.”
“The most beloved of food to Allah
“The most beloved of food to Allah is that which is touched by many hands (i.e., shared among many people).”
“The most beloved of speech to Allah is that a person should say, ‘Subhaan Allah wa bi hamdih (Glory and praise be to Allah)’.”
“If one with whose religion and character you are pleased comes to you (to seek your daughter’s hand in marriage), then marry (your daughter) to him.”
“If Allah sends you some provision without you looking forward to it or asking others for it, then take it.”
“If you ask Allah for anything, then ask Him for al-Firdaws (the highest level of Paradise).”
If your good deeds please you and your bad deed
“If your good deeds please you and your bad deeds upset you, then you are a mu’min (believer).”
“If you hear the call to prayer, then respond to the one who is calling you to Allah.”
“If you hear the call to prayer, then say something like the muadhhin says.”
“If a man becomes angry and says ‘A’udhu Billah (I seek refuge with Allah),’ his anger will cease.”
“If a man says ‘Ya seedi (sir)’ to a munaafiq (hypocrite), he earns the wrath of his Lord.”
God did not promise days without pain,Laughter without sorrow; sun without rain.But He did promise strength 4 the day, Comfort 4 the tears; and light 4 our way.By UZZAL
Morning Prayer: I'll walk this day in faith dear Lord,
No foe, no storm i'll fear, but trusting in your precious word, I am safe for You are near.By UZZAL
Never a weakness that He can't fill,
Never a sickness that He can't heal,
Never a sorrow that He dsn't share,
Moment by moment- you are under GOD's care.By UZZAL
God said don't look around because you'll be impressed,
Don't look down you'll be depressed,
Just look to me all the time and you'll be blessedBy UZZAL
What's the fastest thing on earth?
Nah. Sound?
Not quite. Light? Almost.
Answer: Prayer...
Because it reaches Heaven even before you can say it. Have a nice day.By UZZAL
God can reach each falling tears.
He sees the heart that needs a cheer.
He knows the path that's hard and dear...
Don't ever give up coz He is near.By UZZAL
Prayer is an open line to Heaven.
No cards to use, no low battery problem, no error,
No charging, always good signal and all messages sent.
Make prayer a habit like Texting.
Verily! Allah commands that you should render back the trusts to those to whom they are due [surah al-Nisa’; 4:58]
And let not your hand be tied (like a miser) to your neck, nor stretch it forth to its utmost reach (like a spendthrift) [surah al-Isra’; 17:29]
And take a provision (with you) for the journey, but the best provision is al-taqwa (piety, righteousness) [surah al-Baqarah; 2:197]
And whosoever fears Allaah and keeps his duty to Him, He will make a way for him to get out (from every difficulty) [surah al-Talaq; 65:2]
And whosoever puts his trust in Allah, then He will suffice him [surah al-Talaq; 65:3]
By no means shall you attain al-birr (righteousness) until you spend (in Allaah’s cause) of that which you love [surah al ‘Imran; 3:92]
And give not a thing in order to have more (or consider not your deeds of obedience to Allah as a favour to Allah) [surah al-Muddaththir; 74:6]
“Pay attention to Allah and He will pay attention to you.”
“Make sure your food is good (halal and bought with halal earnings), and you will be one whose prayers are answered.”
“Be content with what Allah has given you, and you will be the richest of people.”
“The thing that weighs most heavily in the balance (of good deeds) is a good attitude.”
“Show mercy towards those who are on earth so that the One Who is in heaven will show mercy to you.”
“The worst thief among people is the one who steals from his prayer, by not doing rukoo’ and sujood properly.”
“The most grateful of people to Allah are those who are most grateful to other people.”
“Repeat often ‘La hawla wa laa quwwata illa billah (there is no power or strength except with Allah)’, for it is from the treasure of Paradise.”
If GOD answers ur PRAYERS, HE is increasing ur FAITH.If HE delays, HE is increasing ur PATIENCE.If HE dont answers, HE knows tht YOU CAN HANDLE IT PERFECTLY.By UZZAL
Lets establish among ourselves and obey by heart the laws of Allah to lead a disciplined life and lets pray for the prosperity of the whole world. By Saima Saeed
When earthly help s no avail,
There s 1 friend who will never fail.
Just lift your eyes, The answer is there,
For nobody knows the power of prayer.
*Have a worry free day*By UZZAL
Search 4 truth and you shall find beauty,
Search 4 beauty and you shall find love,
Search for love and you shall find God,
Search fo r God and you shall have them all!By UZZAL
Falling in love with the Lord is the greatest romance;
searching HIM, is the greatest adventure;Finding HIM, the greatest achievement; and being with HIM... The greatest source of happiness.By UZZAL
In God's eyes, Love is never absent.
In Gods heart forgiveness is never impossible.
In Gods embrace, no one is ever alone or forgotten. God Bless!
Allah destroys interest and increases charity and Allah loves not any ungrateful big sinner.(surah-al-baqira).By Taswar
When things go wrong, don't go blue, just pray &say "I will get through" always remember God Loves U!
Patience with others is Love,
Patience with self is Hope,
Patience with God is Faith. By Ikram Marwat
My religion( Islam) consists of a humble admiration of the unlimitable superior who reveals Himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble minds. That deeply emotional conviction of the presence of a superior reasoning power, which is revealed in the incomprehensible universe, forms my idea of God.By Ikram Marwat
Philosophy is questions that may never be answered. Religion (Islam) is answers that may never be questioned.By Ikram Marwat
"Gift" of "SALAM"-wrapped with "AFFECTION" tied with "CARE" & sealed with "DUA" 2 keep u safe & happy today & always.By shehran ayub
Enjoy ur Life by Obeying ALLAH's ORDERS & FOLLOWING The METHODS OF MUHAMMAD {PBUH}asghar walana
Birth of a child is a sign that Allah still loves human beings
I ask Allah 2 make u happy, make u smile, guide u safely, though every mile, grant u wealth, give u health & most of all grant u paradise!
Verily, Allah does not look towards your bodies nor towards your appearances. But, he looks towards your hearts. (Muslim)
Watch your Thoughts, they become Words! Watch your Words, they become Actions! Watch your Actions, they become Habits! Watch your Habits, they become Character! Watch your CHARACTER! ..It becomes your DESTINY!!!